Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Worries

Here are some of the concerns I had going into my actual placement (as important or stupid as they might be).

*At orientation some of the past Slovakia volunteers told me of the locals’ expectations of them to find their place in the kitchen preparing food. They also told me stories about how some of their favorite memories were of cooking American food for their host families, or learning how to make traditional Slovak dishes. Well, those who know me best can imagine my reaction to this. I absolutely hate to cook/prepare food. I wish it were only this, because if it were just my dislike for cooking that was the problem, I could suck it up and deal with it. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to cook anything either (probably because I’ve been too stubborn and had no interest in learning), so this may be a problem. We’ll see what happens!

*Some of the volunteers told me about local trips they were invited on at their placement, specifically hiking/skiing trips. Again, those who know me best could imagine my reaction to this too…I’m terribly clumsy and uncoordinated, and am scared to try skiing again. I tried it once, and I think it’s better for my own safety (and more importantly, everyone surrounding me) if I don’t attempt it again. Again, we’ll have to see what happens with this.

*Ok, more important concerns. I’m afraid I will be so wrapped up in attempting to learn the language, that Slovak will become my main concern instead of the people I’m with. And the language itself is intimidating. I’m afraid of those days where I’ll be homesick, and wonder if I made the right decision by doing this program (and even more afraid that on those tough days, I won’t be able to remember that it wasn’t my decision and that I’m in the right place because God put me here).

Alright, enough of that. The things I’m excited about outweigh the things I’m afraid of by a LOT. I just wanted to share those, and it always feels good to write things like that down to journal them. Ok, more soon.