Thursday, April 3, 2008

We're Famous!

Here is a link, from my church's website to see pictures of me and my family! They came to visit me in March! FABULOUS!! :-) I will write more about it sometime soon, and put up more links to pictures. Here is a picture that isn't on the website, but one from my mom's collection (us in the church together with my host mom and Zuzka). But for now, check us out on the church website:

(From 1 to 4)
Photo 1: Me, my brother Jake, and Johny and Zuzka Ziskova, good friends of mine from Hybe

Photo 2: Me and Sara (the pastor's daughter...she's so cute!)

Photo 3: Me with some members of the adult choir, at one of the rehersals (I sing with them, and sometimes help direct them or play piano for them), and my parents and brother in the background.

Photo 4: Dinner at the pastor's house! From left to right: My dad, Zuzka, me (looking really excited that my family's there!), my mom, and my brother.

Happy Thursday everybody! :)