Friday, November 2, 2007


So the food experiences I’ve had here have been interesting! I would say, for the most part, that the food isn’t so different from ours. There are definitely differences of course, but it has been a pretty easy transition overall.

*Some foods/drinks that I don’t especially love: Cabbage (in soggy form), Fried bread (with egg, dripping in grease…yikes), hot tea (although I’m getting used to the fruit tea!
But some are tough to swallow), Carbonated water (a.k.a. “gas water”) and Sweet Lunch (dumplings filled with jelly paste, covered with chocolate syrup). The sweet lunch is good, but after two bites it’s too sweet. Oh, and on my third day here I didn’t feel that great after eating the fried bread, so what did they give me to help? Beer. Yes, beer, at 9:30 in the morning, because it’s supposed to make you burp a lot, which will apparently solve the problem. The nurses gave it to me out of their station room (they keep it in the cabinet with other medicines). Ha! Interesting, and a bit ridiculous, I thought. Also not a fan of the warm milk that they serve.

*Some foods that I do love: Halusky (traditional Slovak meal, very popular…noodles with chunks of meat, served with goat cheese), SOUP (all kinds, all the time, all good), potato bread and meat (usually pork, which I like the most), Veggie rice balls (ok, this isn’t actually what they’re called, but I don’t know the name yet…), and pretty much all of their hotdishes and potato creations (there are quite a few).

More than the food itself, I'm not used to the way they eat it. For example, they eat their entire meal first before drinking anything (like big pieces of meat and potatoes, but nothing to do the old ladies not choke while eating?? No idea). Ok, more to come again soon!