Thursday, August 30, 2007

Orientation week

Hello everybody! Sorry it took so long to post again, but I'm back! I'm actually currently in Slovakia, day 3! Although, I'm going to back track to last week before I dive into more recent adventures. So I left on August 19th to fly to Chicago for Orientation. Orientation was held at McCormick Seminary at the University of Chicago, pretty much in downtown. It was really nice to be in the U.S. for a while longer, to pick up any extra things we needed if we forgot them at home. We got there a few hours later than scheduled. Everyone had a long day because of the bad weather causing delays and things, but we all eventually got there fine. We had orientation with 2 other volunteers from the Reformed Chruch in America, and with 20-some volunteers from the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). There were about 63 of us all together, so a pretty big group! The countries the ELCA Young Adults will be volunteering are: Argentina, Mexico, Slovakia, Scotland, England, Germany, Kenya, India, and the Philippines. The other two churches will be sending volunteers to some of the same countries, as well as Ghana, Guatemala, Uruguay, and Northern Ireland.

I was pleasantly surprised with orientation. It was loaded with speakers who lectured about religion, globalization, and racism. We had daily bible studies with Pastor Al Starr, who is a pastor at a Lutheran church in Los Angeles, CA. He was very inspiring and covered a lot of different ideas and pieces of scripture in only a week. He offered out his congregation to be a prayer partner (or support group) for anyone who was interested, so I put my name on the list. I’m thankful to have all of your support and prayers, and now I also have a congregation in Los Angeles praying for me too! Amazing.

I was inspired not only by the speakers that week, but also by all of the other volunteers. I was in amazing company all week long. I met so many interesting people my age that had great faiths and shared a lot of the same interests. I feel slightly frustrated with myself at times because I feel like I’m setting myself up for this never-ending process of meeting people, then saying goodbye, then meeting people, then saying goodbye, then meeting people, etc. It was hard to get close to everyone, and then have to say goodbye AGAIN, after we all had to say goodbye to our own families and friends for a year. After a week at orientation, I feel very comforted by the support system I have in my fellow volunteers. It’s amazing to think that there are 60 other people, all scattered around the world, that are going through similar experiences at the same time.

Ok, will try to write again soon! Hope everyone is well, take care!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My facility

This is the facility I was placed at!

None of the website is in english, but you can still check out pictures of it. I'm pretty anxious to see what it's like. This is what my country coordinator has told me about it so far...

"The center of Evangelical Lutheran Diakonia is situated in Trencin county. And was established in September 1996, with capacity of 17 clients and 9 employees. In 2005 the capacity was enlarged at the upper parts of the centre and finished at the same year, so first clients could move in in December. At the present time capacity of the center is 40 clients, for them the center provides a social welfare for pensioners. Most of them are stays 24/7 at the center, where they're having board and lodging, medical care, rehabilitation /if needed/, pedicure, hairdresser, massage, counseling, pastoral care, and other free time activities… Pastoral care is done by Mr. Lubomir Marcina, every Sunday at 11.00 a.m. , Marcel Brece is a director of the center, As I mentioned before, capacity is 40 beds, there are 19 employees at the center and 6 volunteers, opening hours for visitors are from 1 – 5 p.m."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hi everybody!

Hi all! I just wanted to get my blog started and let everybody know that I'll be leaving for Chicago in FIVE days!!! Wow. I'll be there for about a week for group orientation, and then off to Bratislava on the 27th of August.

I wanted to say thank you to everybody too!! I can't even put into words how thankful I am to all of you, whether you donated money to help me get here, or if you're praying or thinking of me...and thank you if you're here reading this! Thank you for any forms of support you've offered!! I will be in touch as often as possible, so be sure to come back here and check. Also, if you want to contact me by email, you can reach me at I'll be sending out monthly newsletters, or posting them on here (or both, not sure yet).

Take care! I'll be in touch soon. :-)