Saturday, December 1, 2007

Band geek for life

I really miss playing in band. I listen to some of our concert pieces and think about how much I miss it sometimes, and realize that I’ll never be in a situation where I can play on a regular basis again. This is the first year I haven’t played in band since I was 10 years old. I also miss the people in the music department, as well as the English department.

I’ve been keeping in touch with some friends who have been filling me in on life back at the good ole’ U of Wisconsin-RF, but it feels really strange to not be there. I really miss my writing workshop classes and the people in them! I wish I had more time and ambition to write (poetry and stories) here in Slovakia, but so far it just hasn’t happened. But I have no doubt that the wonderful experiences I’m having will contribute GREATLY to future writing projects, so I’m collecting memories to use later!

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