Monday, May 5, 2008

Captions for the Picture Load

(from top to bottom):

1. Me hanging out with Zuzka's son Marek, making stupid faces.
2. Group picture from when Kristen came to visit. Me, Zuzka, Marek, and Kristen
3. Youth Choir rehersal
4. Me with the sheep! This is out back behind my house family's house.
5. My host mom with the family milk cow.
6. Bryndzové halusky, in the making. This is traditional Slovak food (halusky are potato dumplings, and Bryndza is a type of sheep's cheese, and fried bacon bits are also put on top when it is served).
7. My mom and my host mom. The two moms!
8. Me, my dad, and brother, in the Bratislava airport when they arrived!
9. The Hybe primary school, where I help teach english.
10. Katka, Starka, me, and Janka
11. The daughters and dads: Katka, my dad Steve, me, my host dad Jan, and Janka
12. Me with the cooks at Hybe school: Sona and Zuzka.
13. Me and Jake in Liptovsky Hradok
14. Me & Zuzka in her classroom, at the boys school I help teach at in Liptovsky Hradok.
15. Me and my host sisters!
16. The whole group, the two families: host dad Jan, brother Jake, dad Steve, me, host mom Jana, host sister Janka, host sister Katka, and Starka.
17. Cross emblem on the Slovak flag's Coat of Arms.

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