Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Online Interview

*Here is a copy of the interview I did with my main contact person from the church (Zuzka), for the church's website! They have the interview posted on the website in both Slovak and English, and I would just paste the link here to bring you directly there. HOWEVER, they put a heinously unattractive picture of me on top of the interview that I would not appreciate everyone seeing. Ok, here it is. :-)

Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us exactly where you come from.

A: Hello, my name is Ashley Severson and I come from the U.S.A., from the state of Minnesota. The town in Minnesota I’m from is Westbrook, and I’m a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Westbrook, Minnesota.

Q: So how did you come to Slovakia? How did you get the opportunity to come here?

A: I decided that I wanted to spend a year through the volunteer program Young Adults in Global Mission, which is a missionary program through the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America). The program sends volunteers to countries all over the world, but I wanted to come to Europe and was most interested in Slovakia. I could’ve been sent to England, Scotland, Ireland, or Germany, but I wanted to come to Slovakia because it is a smaller country that I didn’t know anything about. I wanted to learn more about Slovakia’s culture, and I was interested in trying to learn a new language.

Q: Ok, and how is your Slovak then?

A: When I first came to Slovakia in August, I took a two week course in the Slovak language and it was very difficult. I think Slovak’s grammar is more complicated than English’s grammar. I have a difficult time with pronounciation also, sounds like ť, ľ, ch and others. But my Slovak is getting better as I spend more time here. I can understand more than I can actually speak.

Q: When did you first arrive in Slovakia? Where was your first place of stay, and how did you end up in Hybe?

A: I came to Slovakia at the end of last August. I came with my four fellow American volunteers, and we spent three weeks in language classes and getting adjusted to the culture before going to our separate placements. My first placement was in Košeca, working at a Diakonia, center for elderly people, as well as teaching english at Obchodna Akademia school in Ilava. I was there until mid-January, and then my volunteer program decided to relocate me. I had many great experiences in Košeca, but communication was very difficult because the elderly people didn’t speak any English, and my Slovak wasn’t very good. I was also anxious to work with younger people, and to have more experiences within a village community, so I was sent to Hybe.

Q: What is your program here in Hybe? Are you enjoying your time here so far?

A: I am helping to teach at the primary school in Hybe two days a week, and once a week in the engineering school in Liptovský Hrádok. I also participate in activites in the Lutheran Evangelical church, such as children’s choir, community Bible study, youth group activities, and hanging out at Quo Vadis with kids from the community. Some plans I have for the future are: teaching the children short meal prayers, English songs, having simple conversations about religion with the youth, and teaching English conversation to people in the community at Quo Vadis. I am definitely enjoying my time here in Hybe! The people in the community have been very friendly and welcoming, and I am enjoying getting to know everyone.

Q: And where are you living in Hybe?

A: I am living with the Turčanová family: Jan, Jana, Katka, Janka and Starka Milka. I have my own room there that’s very nice. It’s very nice to have two host sisters about my age. It’s easier to communicate with them and they are very helpful. The whole family is very kind and I am thankful to be staying with them.

Q: How long will be staying Hybe?

A: I will be here until sometime in August, so I will stay here through most of the summer. I am enjoying the winter scenary, but really looking forward to warmer days here too! There is a very far distance between Slovakia and my home country, but we are all united in God. I’m very happy to be here, and to connect with God’s children on the other side of the world.

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