Saturday, March 22, 2008

Slimacik Babetko

As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, my host sister Katka loves fish and had 9 of them in a tank in the kitchen. She added four new fish to the tank during my first week here and was so proud of them! She also had a snail, which she so graciously let me name. Within another week, she got another snail to add to the tank, and let me name that as well! SO, I chose to name them Fred (formally Fred Flinstone, but was soon after changed to Fred Murtz) and Lucy Ball (both after the tv show I Love Lucy). So we had this big happy fish tank family! But then....

One of them died. And then another one died. And another. And another. (I felt pretty bad for Katka, she was quite sad. And they had to die ONE at time so she was sad about it for like 6 different days within 2 weeks or so). So, the four new fish and the five old fish that she'd had for months before, everyone dead. EXCEPT the snails! Of course, the small little lumps of brown that don't do anything are left to man the entire tank by themselves. So I guess they were feeling lonely and wanted some company to fill the void that "Rachel, Jacob and crew" left. So one day I came back home from the shop and Katka and Janka both were like, "Look! Come look!"

They brought me into the kitchen.
"See all those black spots?"
"Yes." (I assumed the tank was just dirty, they hadn't cleaned it out in awhile.)
"Those are snail babies!" (slimacik babetko)

Eww. Fred and Lucy had babies!! LOTS of babies! After we laughed and discussed it for awhile, I learned that snails are hermaphrodites. I didn't know this before (maybe I didn't pay attention in science classes, maybe I knew and then forgot, maybe I just never really gave the reproductive habits of snails much thought...) So not only did Lucy have snail babies, but Fred did too. Quite funny, everyone laughed a lot. But I was a bit grossed out. And even further disgusted that they just left the tank as is, (and that was almost about three weeks ago) and the snails are probably still reproducing as we speak. Gross.

Anyways, on a much less disgusting note.....

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!! :)
I hope you all have a blessed Easter!! May it be filled with peace and love! And hopefully less snail reproduction than mine :) Hehe. I'll post again soon about my Slovak Easter celebration!


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